Chris’ practice takes him worldwide with the ability to Skype. Change is just a session away, anytime, anywhere. Whether the goal is sports performance enhancement, overcoming addiction issues, facing fears and phobias, achieving career success or attaining personal growth goals, Chris works to address the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual.
Founder, Author/Instructor
Integrated Progressions Mind Body Strategies
2005 – Present (9 years)
Chris is the author and instructor for the American Hypnosis Association's “Sports Hypnosis and
Peak Performance” certification course for new and advanced hypnotherapists. He brings over
20 years of experience in the fitness and sports arena to the Sports Hypnosis field.
Staff Hypnotherapist
Active Recovery Center Encino, CA
December 2013 – 2014
As an in-house Staff Hypnotherapist at a women’s treatment facility, Chris successfully
implemented the use of hypnosis as an adjunct to clinical psychotherapies to deal with
alcoholism, and addiction issues. This modality can help a client get to their automated
behavior of the subconscious mind. The use of hypnosis can help change triggers such as
fears, negative self-talk, and anxiety. It can also assist with the anxiety or obstacles of
maintaing a sober living lifestyle.
High School Football Team Hypnotherapist
St. Genevive High School– 2012 Season
More and more schools are looking to gain that extra edge over their competition. St.
Genevieve believes in the mental game, and understands that a successful mental game can
be achieved through hypnosis. Chris’ involvement with young athletes in the sports program
at St. Geneviève was helpful in addressing performance anxiety. This allowed them to play at
the top of their game.
Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis Motivation Institute
Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy
Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator Training
American Hypnosis Association
Personal Trainer Certification
National Academy of Sports Medicine